200 million: the three signings that Barça closes this week (with pump included)

The Barça team faces a key week

Barça have a key week to define several signings for next season . In fact, at Camp Nou they are optimistic and hope that in the next few days they can close three soundings to improve the squad. 

A few days after the start of the World Cup , Barça know that some operations should be closed as soon as possible. In the culé directive they work with several open fronts. 
The first and most important is that ofAntoine Griezmann. 

The Frenchman spoke very clearly: before Saturday he will say where he will play next season. At Barça they expect the striker to announce that he is leaving Atlético de Madrid. 

He still will not be able to say where he is going, but it will be obvious. Barça will put the 100 million euros of its clause on July 1. 

A signing that seems more than on track is that of Clément Lenglet. The central has rejected the offers of renewal of Seville. 

The agreement seems imminent, and Barça will pay 38 million euros for the French defender. In the next few days it can become official. 
And the last surprise is that of De Jong . 

In the last few days the negotiation has been accelerated by the Dutch midfielder, and at Camp Nou they are more than optimistic.The operation would be around 40 million euros. 

In total almost 200 million to leave the staff of the next season practically closed in the absence of sales and the possible arrival of Arthur. Crucial week at the Camp Nou. 

200 million: the three signings that Barça closes this week (with pump included) 200 million: the three signings that Barça closes this week (with pump included) Reviewed by Puppies home on June 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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