Messi or the operation of 110 million at Barça (and it's not because of Griezmann.

Bartomeu launches the alternative plans while Abidal insists on the French crack

Strategy at the Camp Nou. Functions divided into the new sports dome of FC Barcelona. All with the ultimate goal and primary content to Leo Messi.

Josep María Bartomeu has set in motion alternative plans to the signing of Antoine Griezmann, increasingly complicated. Want to focus efforts on other additions.

After the pertinent meetings between Ernesto Valverde and Ramón Planes , old acquaintances of his stage at Espanyol , where they held identical positions, Barçadecided to move the card.
While 100 million of Griezmann are paralyzed, worth opening new negotiations for similar amounts. Plans could tie two players for little more than Grizou costs .

Obviously, the signing of the French striker is a priority, but time passes and Barça needs to be reinforced as soon as possible. And there are two players who would go for 110 million of euros.
One of them is the young Matthijs de Ligt, the Dutch center of 18 years. His cleansed technique and physical conditions make him think that he will be a first level player.
De Ligt and De Jong or the jewels of Ajax
The Ajax has priced in 60 million of euros. Too much money for a crack so young and playing defense, but we are talking about a diamond in the rough. Pure talent.
The other player who would enter the same operation is Frenkie de Jong , defensive midfielder of very young age: he is only 21 years old.
De Jong would be valued at 50 millionand would be the natural heir of Busquetsin the defensive pivot. De Ligt , on the other hand, a future replacement for Gerard Piqué.

Messi or the operation of 110 million at Barça (and it's not because of Griezmann. Messi or the operation of 110 million at Barça (and it's not because of Griezmann. Reviewed by Puppies home on June 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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