Umtiti has the name of the first Barça signing 2018/19 (and it's a matter of days)

The Frenchman knows of an operation that is very advanced

Good news for Barça. The azulgrana set made official this Sunday the renewal of Samuel Umtiti until 2023 . 

It was one of the culé club's duties before the transfer market opened. 

The clause of the Gaul was 60 million, and teams like Manchester United or Real Madrid had tempted the defender. 

Umtiti has decided to stay at Barça, and that the competition for the next season will be even harder. 

Samuel knows that there is a signing that the Catalan club has more than on track: Clément Lenglet. 

It is a matter of days that the club makes official the arrival of the central Sevilla , which will land at the Camp Nou in exchange for 38 million euros. Lenglet will arrive to increase the competition in defensive backs. 
A priori, Piqué and Umtiti will continue to be the center-holders of Ernesto Valverde, but Lenglet will fight for a position in the starting line-up. 

Vermaelen also aims to stay, and it remains to be seen what will eventually happen toYerry Mina , who could leave on loan. 

What is clear is that Umtiti has no fear of the more than possible arrival of Lenglet. Samuel feels like a starter and believes that this will continue . 

Barça has managed to shore up the defense for the next few years. Now it's time to think about the attack. 

Umtiti has the name of the first Barça signing 2018/19 (and it's a matter of days) Umtiti has the name of the first Barça signing 2018/19 (and it's a matter of days) Reviewed by Puppies home on June 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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